To provide Latin America with the capabilities to produce the necessary next generation vaccines and biotherapeutics.

To create the first commercial-scale capacity to support global supply chain security.

To protect Latin America’s population during a pandemic without depending on foreign help.

To unlock the region’s massive biotechnology potential.


To create world-class development and manufacturing capabilities for advanced biological therapies and vaccines in Latin America.

To empower Latin America (and the southern hemisphere) to contribute to global supply chain security and to combat current and future diseases, biological threats and pandemics.

The leadership team is comprised of the skill sets and experiences needed to successfully implement an advanced biological CDMO located and operating in Brazil, serving the region and the world.



  • 35+ years in senior roles at major Biotech firms such as F. Hoffmann La Roche and Human Genome Sciences

  • Over 200 patents issued

  • Over 100 publications

  • Senior scientific consultant to leading international and domestic biotechnology companies

  • Responsible for the successful development of more than 300 therapeutic proteins - including Benlysta, an Anthrax antibody

  • Key player for the development of monoclonal antibodies Belimumab (Lupus) and Raxibacumab (Anthrax)

  • PhD in Biology, University of Heidelberg, Germany

  • 20+ years in senior roles in manufacturing, energy and investment firms in the US and Brazil

  • CEO of Petrotec, a Brazilian Contract Manufacturing Company (CMO)

  • CFO at Ashoka & New Gas Concepts, Co-founder  of EnviroFuels, Principal at Shell Internet Ventures, Manager at EGM Tech Ventures, Principal at Enron Investment Partners and GE Equity Capital

  • MBA from Darden School of Business and BA from the University of North Carolina

  • 25+ years in the Biotech industry

  • Founded major US-based biopharmaceutical CMO

  • Manufactured 18 therapeutics that are licensed active pharmaceutical ingredients or have been through a clinical trial

  • Developed 19 different cGMP biologics laboratory/manufacturing facilities

  • Consultant /Project Manager to leading international and domestic biotechnology companies

  • Experience with 2 different Covid Vaccine Technologies

A stellar board composed of world-class scientists, technologists, executives, and policy-makers validates Bioshield’s ambitions of becoming the central infrastructure for the age of biology in Latin America.



Dr. Robert Kadlec

  • Special Assistant to the President of the United States and Senior Director for Biodefense Policy on the Homeland Security Council.

    Staff Director for Senator Richard Burr for the Senate Subcommittee on Bioterrorism and Public Health Preparedness in the 109th Congress - Instrumental in drafting the Pandemic and All-Hazard Preparedness Act that was signed into law.

    Director for Biodefense Preparedness on the Homeland Security Council at the White House - Responsible for conducting the biodefense end-to-end assessment, which culminated in drafting the National Biodefense Policy for the 21st century.

  • Director of the Department of Pharmaceutical Assistance at the Ministry of Health.

    Secretary of Health for the municipalities of Ibaté-SP and São Carlos-SP.

    Member of Boards of Directors of multiple Brazilian companies and of the National Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

    Member of the Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society.

    Partner at B2CD Consultoria Empresarial.

    Vice-President of the Latin American Association of Regulatory Affairs Professionals – Aló ProScience.

    Scientific Director of SindHosp.

    Graduated in Pharmaceutical Sciences from PUC Campinas with a postgraduate degree from USP-SP.

Flavio G. da Fonseca, PhD

Flavio G. da Fonseca, PhD

  • PhD Biologic Sciences (Microbiology and Virology), UFMG

    Associate Professor at the Department of Microbiology, ICB, Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil

    Member of the management and scientific committees of the UFMG Vaccine Technology Center (CT- Vacinas/UFMG), in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.

    Coordinator of the Postgraduate Course in Microbiology at UFMG, elected for two consecutive terms (2017-2021).

    President of the Brazilian Society for Virology (SBV- 2021/2022), after being vice-president in 2019/2020.

Stephen Morris, PhD

Stephen Morris, PhD

Jorge Kalil, PhD

Jorge Kalil, PhD

Andrea Menezes 

Andrea Menezes 


Pedro Janot

Pedro Janot

Lukas von Hippel, PhD

Lukas von Hippel, PhD

Hugo Moura

Hugo Moura

Reiner Gentz
Founder & Chief Scientific Advisor

Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Fabricio Soares

Alex Deseabra
Founder & Chief Operating Officer

Dr. Dirceu Barbano

  • PhD Biochemistry, Purdue University

    Post-doc Univ. California at San Francisco

    10 years experience in cell/gene therapy (Genetic Therapy Inc, Novartis, GenVec)

    Program Manager DoD vaccine program (plague, anthrax, tularemia, botulism toxins)

    Branch Chief, Antivirals and Antitoxins, CBRN Division, BARDA, ASPR, HHS

    Program Manager/PI- Ebola vaccine development program, NewLink Genetics

  • Director InCor-HC-FMUSP - Laboratory of Immunology

    Distinguished Visiting Professor at Harvard Medical School

    Former Director of Instituto Butantã

    CEO of Fundação Butantã

    President of the Board, Research Institute of Hospital Sírio Libanês

    Member, Scientific Advisory Board of Institut Pasteur

    Full Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences

    Advisor of the Minister of Health of Brazil

    Member of the DSMB for COVID 19 Clinical Trials of all vaccines supported by US government

    PhD, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)


  • 28+ years in banking and financial services

    Former CEO of Standard Bank Group Brasil

    Director at Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch

    Two years as Co-head of WCD - Women Corporate Director, a pro-Bono entity.

    Advisory Board Member of VaiVolta Startup and ALife Entertainment., startups.

    Independent Board member of Banco Fibra and Advisory Board member of digital marketing companies.

    Certified board member from IBGC and certified innovation board member from GoNew.Community.

    MBA in Government Relationship.

  • First CEO at Azul Linhas Aéreas

    First CEO at Zara Brazil

    CEO at Richards for 10 years

    30+ years at C level positions in retail world

    +45 years experience in retail

    Board Member of various publicly held corporations

    Trustees and Counselor for giant retail chain and 4 others

    Faculty Member in retail and culture course of BBI (Business Behavior institute)

    Investor and Board Member of Solum Capital

    MBA in Human Developer in PUC - Rio

  • 30+ years in industry, 20+ years in CDMO

    Former Head of Biotech Platform at Arxada (Lonza Spinoff)

    Former Head of CDMO at Arxada

    Former CEO of Pharma Waldhof

    Working experience i.a. with Degussa, Evonik, Lonza

    Member of BoA of start-ups: 2003-2006: PQD (pharma quick development – project management organization), 2021-2022: Planetary (precision fermentation), since 2020: packengeers (sustainable packaging)

    Visiting professor LMU, Munich for project management (2001-2016) and Fresenius University for change management and intercultural management (2016-2021), both Germany

    PhD in Physical Chemistry, LMU, Munich, Germany

  • 30+ years in senior positions in the Brazilian Air Force and in technology-based companies

    Managing Partner of Tecsys do Brasil Industrial Ltda.

    Creator and Managing Partner and responsible for the implementation of CTE - Centro Tecnológico de Energia, of Vale Soluções em Energia – VSE

    Managing Partner of Sygma Tecnologia

    Aviation officer at the Air Force Academy - AFA - Systems Analyst, at PUC Brasília and Keesler USAF Technical Training Center - Project Manager, at ITA - Master in Military Sciences and Higher Command and Staff Course at the Air University

    Fighter Pilot, Air Defense Instructor in F103 Mirage III, Technical Manager of the AM-X Program and Head of the Directors Staff of the Aerospace Technical Center – CTA - Brazilian Air Force

Damian von Stauffenberg

  • Founder of MicroRate, the world’s first rating agency specializing in microfinance. Through its Latin American and African subsidiaries, MicroRate has conducted well over 400 ratings of microfinance institutions in Latin America, Africa and Eastern Europe.

    25 years in the World Bank and its private sector affiliate, the International Finance Corporation (IFC).

    Closely associated with a number of institutions that have played pioneering roles in connecting microfinance to capital markets.

    President of Seed Capital Development Fund (SCDF) - an organization dedicated to linking microlenders to commercial funding sources.

    Chairman of the Investment Committee of Profund - a fund investing in the equity of Latin American microlenders.

    Chairman of the executive committee of MicroVest.

    Member of the executive committee of the Latin American Challenge Investment Fund, LA-CIF.

    First President of the Educational Initiative for Central and Eastern Europe.


Paulo de Miranda

Paulo de Miranda

  • Co-founder of a start up specialized in impact measurement, and Board member.

    Consultant for several tech, companies, VC funds, technology institutions and governments.

    Former Business and Planning Director - São José dos Campos Technology Park – SP, Brazil

    Former Director - International Association of Science Parks,, World Headquarters – Malaga, Spain.

    Senior Manager - Reference Centers in Innovative Technologies - CERTI - Florianópolis. SC, Brazil

    Former Director, City of São Paulo's PRODAM – SP, Brazil

    Former staff member: Organization of American States (OAS), International Commission for Support and Verification UN / OAS - Central America.

    Former COO for Peacekeeping Operations, demobilization and disarmament in Nicaragua and Honduras; Guatemala; Suriname; Ecuador, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, Haiti and Peru.


Nemo Sampaio

  • Founder of Fishworks Design Studio

    Former Design Lead at Azul Brazilian Airlines recognized as an award-winning innovative company, setting new standards in the aviation industry.

    27+ years of diverse multidisciplinary design experience and skills that contributed to the visual language and design thinking for renowned companies including Azul, TAP Portugal, 24SevenOffice Norway and other global brands global brands.

Bernd Ahle

Bernd Ahle

  • Founder of Bernd Ahle Advertising, a brand and communications consultancy.

    Former Head of Advertising and Brand for Sprint Business.

    30 years of experience developing critically acclaimed marketing campaigns for international organizations including Procter & Gamble, Lufthansa Airlines, ExxonMobil, Lockheed Martin and the World Bank Group.

    MBA and BS in Marketing from George Mason University, Economics studies at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität in Bonn, Germany.

Dave Estes

David Eastes

  • 15+ years of healthcare experience.

    Former Assistant Vice President for Strategic Research Engagements at the Texas A&M Health Science Center.

    Former Director for the Center for Global Health and Innovation at Texas A&M AgriLife Research, a multi-year collaborative effort with Philips Healthcare.

    Helped to develop international, national and state health programs in addition to corporate partnerships and research initiatives for the Texas A&M University System, the Texas A&M University Health Science Center (HSC) School of Public Health and AgriLife Research.

    Master’s in Public Health and BS in Biology from Texas A&M University, Bachelor’s degree in history from Southwestern University.


Blue Impact logo

Blue Impact Ventures

Venture Capital Fund & Advisory

The mission of Blue Impact Ventures is to empower entrepreneurs building the sustainable supply chains of tomorrow. The climate crisis and the global supply chain redesign accelerated by the pandemic require immediate action.

We are focused on investing in supply chain tech companies in the Americas that 1) accelerate sustainability 2) optimize and reduce costs in the supply chain 3) improve cross-border trade between the Americas and 4) leverage models that have been successful in other verticals or other regions.

Fisher Venture Builder logo

Fisher Venture Builder

Venture Capital Fund & Advisory

Fisher is a venture builder that leverages its knowledge of the Brazilian business and market ecosystem to support new entrepreneurs in company-building and business development.

Fisher has created 6 startups that impact more than 100,000 people and originate more than R$2B in credit per month.

Tognetti Law Firm logo

Tognetti Law Firm

Law Advisory

Business law firm with personalized focus in tax, corporate, contract projects and estate planning, gathering professionals with more than 20 years of experience presenting solutions that combine legal knowledge and business vision.